Telogen Effluvium

Caryberry Graphic Design
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Are you experiencing and increase in hair shedding and thinning?

When you feel through your hair does it feel thinner?

Have you noticed when you feel through your hair it feels thinner?

What you maybe experiencing is a form of hair loss called Telogen Effluvium.  With the condition Telogen Effluvium your hair is going through a disturbance in your average hair cycle.  The average length of time that you will be experiencing this cycle is 3-6 months.  After the disturbance period the hair will begin to grow (fill in) again.

Telogen Effluvium is much different from permanent hair loss (alopecia).  The hair usually grows back.  Doing the growing process (anagen stage) the hair sprouts up through the scalp and pushes out the dead hair.

Telogen Effluvium can be caused by surgery, major trauma, grief, stress, extreme weight loss, diet changes, childbirth, abrupt hormonal changes high fever, severe infection or other illnesses. Start treatment as soon as possible to help strengthen your hair strands.

 Your Trichologist can help with determining whether you are experiencing Telogen Effluvium in addition can prescribe treatments.  At Eccentrics we prescribe personalize cocktails for your condition.

This information has been provided to you by your local Trichologist, Lisa Ennis.  Please reserve your appointments by calling (410) 305-0601.

Lisa Ennis, WTS

Living with Alopecia

Caryberry Graphic Design

There are so many different types of Alopecia; Alopecia Areata (when the hair falls out in small patches), Alopecia Universalis (complete hair loss of the scalp and body), Alopecia Totalis (complete hair loss on the scalp. These are just a few. 

Hair loss can affect anyone at any time, it doesn’t matter your walk of life, your occupation, your economic status.  The color of your skin can put you at risk.  Black and Hispanic women are at a higher risk.  And NO stress itself is not enough to cause the disease.


Recently Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts revealed that she was losing her hair.   YES, the Congress Woman has the auto immune disease Alopecia.  How does Alopecia become an auto immune disease?  Like other auto immune diseases, alopecia is when the body attacks its own hair follicles resulting in hair loss. 

Congresswoman Pressley shared that having hair loss made her feel naked, exposed, vulnerable, embarrassed, ashamed and betrayed.  How man you have every felt those same feelings?  You are not alone.  Make peace with Alopecia. Congress Woman Pressley states.   Find joy in your options, YES you have many many options, from scalp cocktails (which will detoxify and promote hair growth) to hair units (custom wigs), you have options. 

Make a visit to Eccentrics The Salon where your privacy is our number one priority.  For the entire month of March receive a Complimentary scalp analysis. 

Lisa Ennis, WTS

Boss Your Thoughts

Meghan O

Recently I was speaking at a Hair Show in Philadelphia, PA. My experience before arriving at the show was very unpleasant. I had every right to explode, however I didn’t. I had every right to yell, but I didn’t, I had every right to quit, yet I didn’t.

I share this to say we don’t have to react to every situation. We must learn to pick our battles. Choosing to not react to distractions will alleviate so much stress and keep you focused on your purpose. I had to think quickly and us my 3 p’s. I paused by taking some deep breaths and remembering my purpose for being in Philadelphia anyway. I then took a few minutes to Plan; I planned how I was going to react to the foolery. And then I pressed play again. I realized it was all just a distraction to keep me from getting to my goal.

Distractions, distractions, they are going to happen but you have to choose to “Boss Your Thoughts.” Follow my 3 P’s and remember your purpose and goal.

Watch out for my upcoming classes. I am also available for 1 on 1 consulting.

Until the next time Tribe,


Autumn: Hair Thinning and Our Solution

Meghan O

Fall is in full bloom, the leaves are falling and changing colors, and the aroma of pumpkin is in the air. Fall is also the major season that hair starts to shed a bit. This is called the cycle of Telogen Effluvium . Have you noticed this happening to you?

Ask about our customize cocktail.


Let one of our Customized Cocktails designed just for your hair condition help with control and in some, stop the shedding.  In extreme cases add a hair solution. We offer custom hair units as well (some my call it prothesis(wigs) or weaves) just for you. For your hair care needs please call (410) 305-0601.

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Just a reminder that we have moved. The new address is 1219 Annapolis Rd, Suite B, Odenton 21113, Please make a note of the new telephone number (410) 305-0601.  

Lastly,  we would like to take the time to thank everyone that has expressed beautiful acts of kindness due to the passing of our Beloved Sheila Cameron.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to process through this thing called grief.  

Eccentrics The Salon 

When Life Happens- Choose to LIVE and Live Abundantly!

Meghan O

Recently my family was faced with an unexpected illness and then death of our beloved sister, mother,

wife and friend. Although my heart still aches, I choose to continue to live a purposeful, joyful, abundant

life. In my quiet stillness, I get to create utilizing my 3 p’s; Pause, Plan, and Play.

It doesn’t matter how long you pause as long as you get back up! Take the time and plan your next

steps and then get back in the game and play.

Take it from me, choose to LIVE and live on purpose with overflowing joy. For your

salon growth needs please call me at (410) 305-0601. For your hair care needs please visit the salon 1219

Annapolis Road, Odenton, MD 21113 or call (410) 305-0601.

Until next time,

Black History Month and Hair

Meghan O

I simply cannot let the month go by without acknowledging Black history month. You’ve heard of Oprah

Winfrey and maybe Madam C.J. Walker, but most have never heard of Annie Turnbo Malone, recorded

as the first black female millionaire. Ms. Malone was a business women, educator, inventor and

Philanthropist. She launched her own hair care and cosmetic business. She’s known for creating a

chemical to safely strengthen the hair and scalp without causing damage , Ms. Malone also was the

founder of Poro College of Beauty Culture. I sincerely appreciate Ms. Malone for paving the way for

women like Madam C.J. Walker, Oprah Winfrey, you and myself.

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Now let’s talk Hair loss: Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia.

This type of alopecia is the most scarring among black women.

It occurs primarily in the central portion of your head. Middle age women are most commonly affected.

Although Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia is permanent conditions. Here at Eccentrics we have a

treatment (known as cocktails) customized just for you. Lisa Ennis newly certified Trichologist. (410)
