The Holiday Season Also Known As The Season to Forgive

Meghan O

Recently, I watched an episode of the Red Table Talk. The episode was about forgiveness. This show spoke to me on many levels, so I decided to write about my own personal experience on my journey on forgiving my father and others. I started writing this blog and stopped. On the following Sunday, my Pastor spoke on the same subject, which confirmed I need to release my story.

Like Jada and her brother Caleeb, I grow up without my father; which left me feeling rejected, abandoned and not protected. Unlike Jada and Caleeb my father was not on drugs and I’ve learned is a really nice guy. Through the years I had to learn and forgive him for hurting me. My father doesn’t take responsibility for his actions. I had to learn to forgive by releasing him of what I felt he should have done and the titles as father /Dad. This has given me Emotional freedom. Forgiveness is about me and not the other person. My father’s life is totally about him and his journey, he providing seed for me is a part of his journey.

Have you ever been falsely accused? Been the topic of other people’s conversations in a negative way? Yep that is something that has happened to me my entire life beginning as a young child. The accusation are from those that don’t understand my call and purpose. I was fighting warfare before I even knew what it was. For all the accusers, I forgive you. I owe no man nothing but to love him; with that said I love you all. I’m Free!!!!!! Forgiveness takes time.

Who do you need to forgive? Trust me it’s so freeing. If you like to talk more about this subject please email me at, or call (410) 305-0601. Have a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of Good Health and so much Wealth.


Hair Loss and the Fall of the Year

Meghan O

The natural cycle of hair growth occurs between 2 and 6 years. At any time 90% of our hair is growing and the rest is in a resting state for about 2-6 months before if falls out. Hair shedding in the autumn (Fall) is natural. As natural as the leaves falling from the trees. Don’t be alarm. At Eccentrics our Trichologist can customize a cocktail just for you. Now through December 31, 2018 receive $10 off of a treatment. Call for your appointments call (410) 305-0601

Dreams Do Really Become Reality

Meghan O

Recently I overheard a person say “If Dreams Really do come true”. I immediately shook my head and said now there is a person with no vision. How many of you are walking around saying that same statement? I’m here to declare to you that dreams do become reality. Let me share with you four steps to make your dreams a reality. There are more than four steps, however we are going to get you started.

1. Take the time and dream

2. Write down your dream

3. Map out how you are going to achieve that dream; in other words, write the vision and make it


4. Work your Plan.

Just like that you have 4 simple steps to make your dreams a reality. For more information on additional steps or just bringing clarity to your vision contact Lisa Ennis by email: or by calling (410) 305-0601.

A photo from my grand opening of Eccentrics the Salon, and the before photos of the space. Turning a blank canvas into a beautiful stylish and functional space was the end result of my strategic dreaming!

A photo from my grand opening of Eccentrics the Salon, and the before photos of the space. Turning a blank canvas into a beautiful stylish and functional space was the end result of my strategic dreaming!

Turning a New Leaf: Keys to Managing Dandruff

HaircareMeghan O

It’s Official. It’s the Fall season. It’s doing the Fall Season that we notice hair shedding and Dandruff. What is Dandruff? Skin cells being accelerated from the scalp. There are Five common types of dandruff. Dandruff can be caused from many things, the biggest cause is your hair products, in particular your shampoos. Many shampoos still have a detergent Lauryl Sulfate in them which causes dryness to the hair follicle and scalp. Make sure to always stay hydrated. Dandruff is not contagious and will not make you lose your hair, however using the right products can help you knock dandruff out. For advice on what you should be using on your hair type, call (410) 305-0601. Oh by the way do not scratch the dandruff with a brush nor comb. Let’s knock dandruff out.

Believe in Something.

Inspiration, Business CoachingLisa Ennis


Believe in Something Even if it means sacrificing everything;  Nike's new commercial featuring Colin Kaepernick.  This quote gives me life!!!!  It reminded me to keep sacrificing for my dreams. 

As we enter into the month of September; the month that represents transition in so many ways, the month that represents the last quarter, and the month that represents rich colors, please keep in mind that you can always, Pause, Plan, and then Play again.  Don’t give up or give in. PRESS and keep believing.  Kaepernick has been without work for two years now and suddenly a break (offer) came for him. 

Keep in mind that the fall warm colors represent joy and positive emotions.  Pause, Plan, Play, believe and Press towards the Sudden Break.



Androgenetic Alopecia

Lisa Ennis
male patter baldness 2 (2).jpg

In my last blog I give you common types of alopecia.  I would like to take a few minutes and focus on one, the most common type of Alopecia is called Androgenetic Alopecia.  Androgenetic Alopecia which is also known as male pattern baldness, found in adult women.  The name can be misleading because male pattern baldness can be found in women.  This condition is normally caused by hereditary.   There are several ways for treating Androgenetic Alopecia which consist of lifestyle changes.  For more information on treatments and regimes please call and reserve an appointment for a complimentary consultation.

New to Eccentrics. The man weave, yes weave for men.  For more information please call (410) 305-0601.