When Losing My Hair

Lisa Ennis
Reason for Alopecia Areata - Lisa Ennis

Recently I was watching an episode of Red Table Talk with Jada Pinket-Smith, her mom Andrienne, and daughter Willow.  Jada candidly spoke about experiencing alopecia.  She expressed how traumatic the experience has been for her.  The doctor did not pinpoint what type of Alopecia, the common types of Alopeia are,  Cicatrical (scarring Alopecia), Trichotillomania, Alopecia Areata and Telogen Effluvium to name a few. He also could not tell her the cause.  The most common causes of hair loss are: Alopecia, Stress, Birth Control, Thyroid Problems and using the wrong hair care products.  All of the above causes can be treated and in some cases hair can possibly grow back with the right treatments.  Jada ended the conversation with acceptance  stating “its ok to except having Alopecia”.  To keep her looks fresh, she enjoys using a variety of hair enhancement products, like, wigs, hair pieces, color etc. she considers this process to be essential to her personal style.

The 3 P’s of business. Pause, Plan and Play

Lisa Ennis
The 3 Ps of businessPausePlanPlay.png

Recently, I was asked the question, “Are you still coaching and consulting?” in reference to my recent break in offering public classes. The tone given when asked this question was intended to discredit the power of taking a pause to reorganize and add structure to your business.  How many of you know that you sometimes have to pause your plan in order to play. When I mention play, I am not saying you are having fun, but instead a player in the game of business. There are several ways to organize your business process but every once in a while you must stop to analyze your efforts to become efficient.

To begin you must ask yourself about the different business stages you may be in. Ask, what stage are you at with your business? Are you at a pause? If so, it’s time to adjust your plan or create a plan to get you moving. Are you at the re-define stage? If so, make sure you are adding details to your plan to add clarity. These are the necessary steps that allow you to succeed.

Always remember that timelines are your own. Never feel pressured to move faster than you are able. Your ultimate goal in business and in life is to create consistency, allowing you to move to the next level. Take your time when creating your offerings to attain your goals.


Caryberry Graphic Design

Most of us don’t even recognize that we are emotional eaters.  For me just this week alone, I’ve been picking up jelly beans by the handfuls and throwing them in my mouth.  Yes, I have been feeling a bit stress.  Emotional eating is tied to countless aliments in the body.

Illness, fatigue, and immunity are easily tied to the food that we placed into our bodies.  A single in discretion with your favorite food has the potential to cause a poor diet which can lead to hair loss.  Ask yourself a question, how can I prevent the emotional eating?  Where do I get the help that I need.


Caryberry Graphic Design

You get what you expect, so why not expect to win!!!!

I was recently competing in a speech competition. This was my first time, so I expected not to win.  I memorized the contest rules and disqualifications and thought that was enough.  Why didn’t I expect to win?  Why was I only doing just enough?  Well I felt I already lost because some I was competing against had been competing for much longer.  

I ended up placing 3rd place, yes 3rd place of many speeches.  It’s good considering I didn’t expect to win nor place at all.  

What would have happened if I expected to Win?  What would have happen if I gave it my best?  Lesson Learned.  Always, I mean always expect to win.  If I had expected to win, what would have happened?  I could have possibly been the first place winner.  If I give it my best, what would have happened?  

NEVER, I mean NEVER, get side track by your competitor.  Your competitor can’t be you.  You be your best authentic self that you can be.  You can only work your gifts.  I was told by the judges that I was excellent, I speak with such excitement and passion, and I command the audience attention.  What would have happened if I expected to win?

